In September, we have been ISO certified in two standards so now we have papers on our well known high quality. We have been certified in the two standards
ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 3834-2: 2006.
ISO 9001: 2015 is a quality management system and is the most comprehensive certification of the two certifications as it encompasses all of the company’s
processes. The certification places great demands on management’s involvement, and there is great focus on the alignment and optimization of the processes
in the company. It helps us to ensure that we deliver the highest quality to our customers every time.
ISO 3834-2: 2006 is the most comprehensive part of an ISO 3834 certification, which is a quality management standard for welding workshops. ISO 3834-2: 2006
is an addition to our ISO 9001: 2015 and it ensures us the best management and quality control in production and eg. our welding work on pressure tanks.
In addition to implementing the ISO standards, we are also in the process of implementing LEAN. All employees will be able to work
with LEAN, so everyone is able to continuously work with improvements and optimizations.